January 19, 2021

Who are the 2021 board members?

It’s time to get to know our super board a little bit better! 😉

It’s time to get to know our super board a little bit better! 😉

Juha Laurila
Juha Laurila

I've been part of Boost activities since 2019 and continuing now my work as the chairperson for our associations board. My academic background is in political science and I've been part of student activism in many different ways for ages. For my day job I work as the COO at SHIFT Business Festival.

I love what we do. Boost has always been a forum for personal growth and playing a role in that is simply very pleasing. Watching teams and people develop and grow is what keeps me going - seeing something beautiful coming out something very vague and hazy is incredibly rewarding. And that is what we are here to do. To help out and give a little kick!

This year I'm especially siked about opening new conversations towards Helsinki, expanding our student ambassador network and launching our advisory board. I also like well functioning processes, meetings, associations, communities and 70s and 80s Finnish disco music. BOOST!

Mikael Uusitalo
Mikael Uusitalo

I live in Turku. I study digital business at TUAS for a second year. My hobbies are basketball, going to the gym, long nice walks with my dogs and ofc being with my missis.

If only thousand words could describe how thrilled and exited I am to be part of Boost board I would tell.

From this ongoing year I’m looking for many new experiences, meeting new people and getting well connected. I want to see how different minds come together to collab and make something amazing happen. I know for sure that I will learn new skills, new things and will get friends for a life time.

This year will definitely be the year I will remember the rest of my life.

Sameh Katr
Sameh Katr

I develop businesses and help startups grow with the passion, business mindset & the eye of the designer. In 2021 I aim to see Boost closer to every entrepreneur in Turku more than ever before.

Ekaterina Berdysheva
Ekaterina Berdysheva

Originally from St. Petersburg, I am a graduate of Turku School of Economics GIM Master programme of year 2015, with experience in development project finance from Finnish Consulting Group and international sales experience from Shift Business Festival. I am aspiring to come back to academia as a PhD student in 2021.

The focus of my Boost board work in 2021 will be on establishing closer collaboration with startup scene in Helsinki and creating more international environment for Boost community members.

Elisha Baniya
Elisha Baniya

I am from Nepal. I have been living here in Turku for 2 years. I am a second-year student of Software Engineering in Turku University of Applied Sciences. I am a young and bonafide girl, who always wanted to be a successful entrepreneur. One of my key accomplishment during my academic was speaking at a conference with the startup idea among all my teachers and friends in my home country.

Being a part of Boost Turku is my pleasure as it is a great opportunity to advance the ideas and skills that I have in my mind. The most important thing is that here we can share our objectives, skills and experiences along with giving and taking feedback.

During my 1 year at Boost, all I want is to gain more knowledge with the startup ideas and entrepreneurship from my seniors and friends so that we could select the best way to succeed in future.

Jani Rusi
Jani Rusi

204,5cm of Growth expertise.

Currently working as a Director in World Trade Center Turku, building the global ecosystem to help Finnish companies go global and helping international talent and businesses to come to Finland.

Also serial entrepreneur on the side, helping companies to grow and also helping athletes get better and businesses owners to stay healthy and fit.

I am networker by heart and like numbers (worked 2,5 years in startup & growth unit in a bank). Also a former professional swimmer with over 10 years in national team, coaching history of several national team athletes and 2 unsuccessful exits from startups.

Active member in Boost society since 2015 in several roles: Startup Journey team member, coach, mentor... In the board I am bringing my networks, experiences and trying something new out of the comfort zone.

Anthony Sundström
Anthony Sundström

An adventurer of gaining new experiences and creating sweet memories. Born In the United States raised in Finland. I work as Key Account Manager in logistics, responsible for a few of our corporation's most valued clients. I also have the pleasure of bringing new clients.

I am passionate about entrepreneurship and sales. My specialty is improving myself and others around me. I have a great inspiration for creating new solutions. When it's time to switch out to relaxation mode I wander off to nature or go to the gym.

Venla Elovaara
Venla Elovaara

I am a Career Changer who worked as a Hairstylist for 14 years. Now I'm a Community Educator, Startup founder and CEO at StuDisco.
I entered the Startup scene 2019 and started to work for my dream and passion.

I'm excited to meet new people and inspire new entrepreneurs in their first steps in startup life. I'm also looking forward to learning new skills and getting more experience in the field where Boost works.

If you want to have a chat with us, we are more than happy! Contact us at board@boostturku.com.


This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.