March 27, 2018

Startup Weekend - The time is now

Everything starts with opening your mouth. When you start telling people about your desires and ideas, that is when things start rolling. You do not know who’s interested in working with you on your idea and you never will unless you open your mouth.

Startup Weekend Turku is about exactly that, it brings like minded people from different fields of expertise together to talk about their ideas and build something. All these people share the desire to learn by doing and recognise that if they want to make their idea a reality they need different skills around them that complement their own.

One of the main reasons people don’t participate in these kind of events is that they don’t feel they have enough to give, they don’t feel they know enough, they don’t feel ready. That is, however, absolutely the wrong reason. You have to start doing and trying things out, there is no other way to learn to build a startup. Even the most successful entrepreneurs have failed once or twice before they succeeded. The earlier you have the courage to start, the better.

Becoming an entrepreneur is a long journey, so the time to start is now.

Startup Weekend Turku is a 54-hour event where developers, designers and business development folks come together to form teams, validate their ideas, build new products and launch startups. You can check it out here

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.