August 13, 2018

Startup Journey: Weeks 8-9 – Pitching and Investors & Legal

Week 8 was all about pitching, as we went to the Ship Startup Festival. We were extremely proud to see how far our teams have gone. Remembering how (badly) they pitched during the first weeks, and noticing the huge difference 7 weeks can make is incredible. But perhaps, there was something even more important than the increased pitching level of the teams. And that is the unbelievable amount of support they have given to each other. We have seen teams helping each other by listening to the pitches, giving feedback on the pitch decks and providing emotional support. During the pitching competition, our teams have made sure to be near the stage when anyone from Boost was pitching. And they were cheering and clapping so hard, that by the end of the day the voice was a bit lost and the palms hurt. This team spirit is remarkable, because after all they were competitors.

Out of nine Startup Journey teams three has made it to the top-10, and that is: BlueZone, Saavu and Aioni. Unfortunately, they did not win, but that does not matter too much for us, because we appreciate the whole experience that we’ve got.

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Photo by Ship Startup Festival.

During week 9 we’ve had the third and the last Boostcamp, which started on Friday with a keynote of angel investor and entrepreneur Riku Asikainen. Then on Saturday we’ve had a change of scene, as we went to the Joki Turku to listen to the last keynote of the Startup Journey done by angel investor and entrepreneur Timo Ketonen. He has shared a lot of his personal experience regarding investments, which was very useful for the teams. And to finish the day, we went to the Mauno Sky where we spent the evening eating great food, chatting with Anna Jousi and Ilkka Laustola from Monttu Ventures, sweating in the sauna with a view on a sunset and enjoying the hot tub. Excellent ending for the main part of the Startup Journey 2018!

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Keynote at Joki Turku.

Now we are impatiently waiting for Demo Day, which will be this Thursday 16th of August from 18:00 to 21:30 at Sigyn-Sali. Everyone is welcome there! But if for any reason, you cannot physically be there, then make sure to follow Boost on Instagram and Twitter for the live updates!

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.