July 31, 2017

Startup Journey: Week 7 – Customers

Customer is the king/queen. But in the beginning, the king/queen is often hiding and it's maybe the most crucial effort for entrepreneurs to find. Who are your customers, where can you find and reach them, and how much will that cost you?

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We started the week on Tuesday with a Game Track coaching session where Natasha Trygg, the CEO of Snowfall and a Startup Journey alumna, shared her experiences and pitfalls to avoid with Gloriana Games and The Cult of the Jumping Skunk - our two game development teams this year. During the 1on1 coaching she also provided super valuable help for the teams about roles and focus within the team.

Wednesday we had Petri Hollmén, the CEO of Lyyti and one of our long-time mentors talking to teams about customers. During his over ten years with Lyyti - and especially in the beginning of that journey - he has figured out how to reach your customers, how to get them hooked and how to keep them as your customers.

Demo Day is closing in (less than 3 weeks to go!) so it was time to sit down with the teams on Thursday to check up on the progress and talk about practical details about the Demo Day. We are super excited for the grande finale of the program and we'd love to see you join us to celebrate entrepreneurship and our teams. In Thursday evening Entis hosted a fantastic SirkkaFest BBQ where we had an opportunity to peek into the future of food.

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Our most devoted readers have probably already identified a pattern: we do pitching on Fridays. We have a lot of pitching sessions and practice in the program. We believe it is not only good for your stage pitch but it's a way to find your focus and to get feedback and exposure to our coaches. This week we had Toni Perämäki, a founding father of Boost Turku who's currently running Turbopump program helping startups reach new markets in the Europe.

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.