April 19, 2021

Startup Journey Pre-Accelerator: Week 1

Dear passengers, Boost successfully launched the Startup Journey Pre-Accelerator spaceship. Please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until we reach our destination.

The goal of the Startup Journey Pre-Accelerator is to help teams of entrepreneurs validate their business idea and develop it further. The Startup Journey agenda is full of surprises. Each week, Boost will be inviting business experts to lead workshops and discuss in 1-on-1 mentoring sessions. And of course, we organized fun afterwork activities for participants to partake in!

Day 1 in Space

Capture d’écran 2021-04-13 à 13.27.57.PNG

The opening ceremony began at 4:00 pm. Our Boost crew members warmly welcomed participants on board and introduced the 3-week program as followed:

Week 1 – developing business concept

Week 2 – validation

Week 3 – pitching and Demo Day

Afterwards, calling from Earth, Dan Palmer hosted a workshop to help each team understanding the problem they are solving. With his expertise, startups had been given useful tools to begin their journey with.

Day 2 in Space


At 5:00 pm, we announced the opening of our Zoom lounge where all members gathered. The connection with Janne Saariko was successful as he held an insightful workshop that guided our entrepreneurs to the right direction. He helped them develop their business idea and make sure it's scalable. After work, all passengers went to our Remo bar to have some drink and chit-chat with each other.

Day 3 in Space

We, at Boost, have witnessed such good team work during the first week of the Startup Journey Pre-Accelerator. The third day of the event inaugurated the Hack Day #1. Each startup benefitted more than 8 hours to work on their business with the precious help of their mentors. The mentors present at the 1-on-1 mentoring were: Noora Frelander, Konsta Weber, Joonas Korgan, Timi Pahlstén & Jenni Hirvonen, Teemu Malinen, Tarnjit Saini & Sanni Ishfaq, and Eeva Vuorinen.

1-on-1 mentoring session on Remo
1-on-1 mentoring session on Remo

Next week, all startups will have to hold tight as Boost will increase the speed for more challenges, and lots of excitement! 🚀

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.