July 27, 2018

Startup Journey: Mesta Digital

“Reconstruction industry is broken.”

Fall 2017

A good friend of mine, Mikko, calls me and asks if I could draft him a simple web-based solution for managing their construction process. He pitches me his idea, it is extremely simple: couple buttons here and some text there - voilá. Typical to my nature, I dive right in and draft him some wireframes.

Fall 2017 + 1 day

Mikko calls me again, filled with excitement:

- “These are really really good...”, he says, “...but can we change this and that and let’s do these features as well?

I ask him to explain me in detail what is it he is trying to accomplish:

- “Reconstruction industry is broken.

- “Yes?”, I answer with little hesitation in my voice

- “We have to fix it. This construction process I have been working on, it has shown really promising results... But it doesn’t scale. It needs some management solution to run effectively.

After hours and hours of discussion - him introducing me the problem domain and me proposing him some potential solutions - we conclude that there might be something there. I learn that the reconstruction industry is broken - in terms of efficiency, that is - and I see an opportunity. I dive right in - again - and I program for two weeks straight. I forget to eat, I forget to sleep. But I am excited. I got involved with a real world problem and now I have a chance to fix it.

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Fall 2017 + 1 day + 2 weeks

After the two-week intensive programming session, I demo the first prototype. Mikko is excited, he cannot keep his pants on (literally). The prototype gets a green light even though it is missing some of the required functionality. Only now the work begins.

Spring 2018

I’m writing my master’s thesis about the subject. I get a strong theoretical understanding of the problem domain, and I see it. I see how the reconstruction industry is broken in terms of efficiency, and how Mikko is trying to fix it. And I see my chance. I see how I could be involved in it and how I would get to do the things I really have passion for: programming and being the boss of my own.

Summer 2018

I find myself in Startup Journey, starting my own business. Our business. I am living my dream.

A third member joins our team: Lauri, our business developer. Equipped with high intelligence and witty sense of humour, and packed with business jargon no one has ever heard of, he is going to dev our biz through the roof.

Summer 2022

Reconstruction industry is not broken anymore.


We are Mesta Digital and we are building the next generation production management tool for reconstruction industry. I’m the CTO, Lauri is our business developer, and Mikko is our CPO. Together we have a strong combination of theoretical basis and practical experience of the problem domain, and together we share the same vision: we want to fix the reconstruction industry - for good.


CTO of Mesta Digital

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.