August 5, 2020

INFLUENSSERI - a way to get connected

For small brands who lack time and resources, INFLUENSSERI is a straightforward, easy and competitive service that lets them connect with influencers to share their values, products and stories in a way that traditional marketing solutions no longer provide.

In mid-March 2020, just as the whole world was going into quarantine and in-person life was grinding to a halt, the three of us decided — independently — to attend Boost’s Startup Marathon, which would be held entirely remotely for the first time. Although we didn’t know one another at first, we were introduced during the matchmaking round of Startup Marathon — which we would go on to win — and quickly found that we made an effective team.

In this competition, we began validating Titam’s business idea: that micro-influencers would benefit from a service that helped them create, nurture and grow their collaborations with brands. After several iterations and interviews, we began gathering interest in local influencers and focused on bringing this project forward. After this initial phase, we decided to start delving deeper into our competencies and potential. We participated in several business events and mini-accelerators, making valuable connections and gaining even more motivation to continue our journey together. Throughout these months of work, our most important asset has been the incredible connection that we have developed as a team. We compliment each other in a way that is particularly helpful in a startup environment, and our collective knowledge grows every day.

This summer, we were accepted to Startup Journey by the Boost team, and we are grateful for all their passion and support. Currently we have been validating the brands side of our service, starting to make sales and refining our understanding of the core problems that small companies are facing. Our vision is to make an impact in the marketing sector, not only providing a solution for influencer marketing campaigns but also becoming a place of interconnection and cross-contamination for influencers themselves, thus empowering the choices and decisions of our customers. In the next few months, we plan to drive our growth at a steady pace, first in the southern part of Finland and later the rest of the country. From there, we can consider expanding to the rest of the Nordic countries and other parts of Europe.

But who are we? There are currently three of us. Titam Truong, our visionary and team leader, has expertise in marketing and business development. Kelvin Jackson is the technology expert of the group, with a background in software development and a passion for linguistics. Mirco Barbero is an innovation enthusiast, able to jump from service design and strategy to creativity and critical thinking.

But enough of that. What we care most about is enabling communication in every possible way, so if there’s something you’d like to know more about, feel free to get in touch. You can find our contact information on Linkedin and other social media; for business inquiries, you will find our website and instagram page below.

We would also like to extend our warmest gratitude to one of our earliest customers, MBakery. They sell delicious pastries and other products from their main location (at Salvumiehenkatu 4 in Mälikkälä) as well as their cafés Take the Cake (in the shopping center Mylly in Raisio) and Piece of Cake (in Turun Kauppahalli).

We kindly invite all readers to visit our website, follow us on Instagram, or email us at If you represent a business that is curious about social media influencer marketing, or are just looking for an innovative marketing solution, we are actively seeking enthusiastic customers to join our growing ranks of early adopters. Come join us!

We are INFLUENSSERI and we will connect you!

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.