March 16, 2018

Ideology of Startup Journey

Startup Journey. What are the values and ingredients for a successful accelerator with Boost?

It's a long hard process to make your startup flourish and we at Boost truly know that. Building a company is not just a never ending cycle of building, learning and measuring your product, but also about developing the people. When Startup Journey started we also wanted to have focus on the development of the team and the people in it, because a good idea is absolutely worthless without the people with an execution.

Entrepreneurship is mostly about embracing the change and that is something that we emphasize. Be ready to tweak your ideas for the better and be open for feedback. For sure it is up to you if you put the tips that you receive to practice, but be humble enough to give and receive honest opinions. We believe in an open culture of sharing information. Helping others is the right way to succeed.

Startup Journey program is somewhat intensive and will require couple of hours daily from your team. We want teams to show respect to other teams and for that reason it is a must for all the teams to have at least one participant in our events (of course we benefit is maximized with more).  We also understand the need of development and we will give you an environment where you have plenty of time for independent development. Big part of the program is the peer support that the teams can give to each other. Boost has always had an awesome group spirit and we intend to keep it that way. That is why for example we also have more relaxed get-togethers in form of weekly barbecues.

One of the best things in Finnish startup scene is the helpfulness of the people. Lot of entrepreneurs are willing to help new and upcoming startups to succeed. Every week we will have 3 to 7 coaches that will help you forward with different aspects of your business. These people are the best in their field and will provide expertise and real world experiences about the stuff that the teams are currently working on. We also give endless respect to our coaches as they are helping our teams pro bono.

We believe that if you are ever going to startup, applying to Journey is one the things you won't regret. Unfortunately we can't take all of the teams in, so make sure you put some effort to your application. After submitting your application, you can edit it until the deadline day 22.4.

Things that we require from the startups that apply:
- Team (There is more than one person)
- Scalable idea (Potential markets are international)
- Motivation (Commitment and attitude)

Apply now!



This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.