March 4, 2020

How a passion and desire to help butterflies can lead into a successful business?

How can the desire to save butterflies from dying evolve into winning Boost’s Startup Journey 2015 and having a successful business still now in 2019? Well, Belightful Design managed to do so.

Belightful Design was born from an aspiration to attract and nurture butterflies, that are now dying. Butterflies act as pollinators, enabling plants to have fruits. So these little helpers are crucial for the nature and our survival. Back in 2015 two friends, Miia Liesegang and Taina Tallala thought that it is absolutely crucial to encourage people to think more about the environment, raise the awareness over the situation of our pollinators and enable a positive way to take actions. And this is how their first product was born - Butterfly Oasis, a feeder to attract butterflies with its nectar, resulting in the opportunity of embracing the delight of butterflies.

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In 2015 Miia and Taina decided to give their business idea a shot, test it and gain better understanding of startup scene during a 10-week Startup Journey, which was acknowledged to be the Best Accelerator Program in Finland that year. They also wanted to test their teamwork, since back then they have not known each other for very long. As a result of this endeavor, they ended up winning the Journey! “It was a wonderful closure to the fun journey of ten weeks and the beginning of taking our steps towards the next level. Journey ended in August and we had our company up and running the next January” - shares Taina.

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Belightful Design believes that having a green, sustainable and circular business will be inevitably growing in the near future. Having that said, they consider themselves being on the market very early, perhaps, even too early! Taina shared that, it was a heavy set-up to be one of the first ones, and they had to pay for it, but it also provided the founders with huge possibilities.

For those of you, who got inspired, reading this blog post and now have a burning desire of making your ideas into reality as Belightful Design did - don’t be afraid and apply for this year’s Startup Journey. And if you don’t have a team yet or your idea is on very first stages - join Startup Marathon in 11-13 April to become more confident in your idea and apply to the Journey afterwards. We are here to help you, so don’t wait around and grab these opportunities!


Application is open until 30.4.2019.


Application is open until 26.3.2019.

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.