November 7, 2018

Fall Meeting 2018

Last week we had our Annual Fall Meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to elect new board members and present to all the action plan for the next year.

Our chairman, Elias Sabonlahti, kicked off the meeting explaining BOOST action plan for 2019, our new ideas, partnerships and the projects we are already working on. Rasmus Basilier explained the entrepreneurship courses bundle and, last but not least, Raoul Lehtonen showed our finances.

After that, the elections for new board members began with a speech of the eight candidates. They told us briefly who they are, what the reason they want to work with us and we passed up to the votes.

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Tarek Omran, Johanna Johansson, Julia Bobrovich, and Sini Toivonen were elected and officially named board members of Boost.

We would like to thank all the applicants, and people who attended the meeting and believe in us.


This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.