August 13, 2020

Creative Arena - A World of Art

“I have a dream to help young artists be discovered and make unique art available”.

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I am happy to have you here and that you want to take part of the story behind Creative Arena!

I have grown up with a sister who paints. She is very talented and creates fantastic artworks. Unfortunately she is unable to promote herself and reach out to customers, which means that her art ends up in her drawers. This is a double loss, both for her and for the people that never will take part of her creations.

Then I realised that she is probably not the only artist in this situation. I began to talk with artists and asked them how it is to be an independent artist today. Despite the amount and variety of persons I talked to, the majority answered the same. They find it difficult to reach new customers and want to focus on the painting instead of spending time on marketing and distribution. Apparently it is not just my sister who experiences this problem.

Meanwhile, I experienced that consumers are looking for something more authentic than mass produced posters. After an amount of interviews I found out that they want unique art and create their personal style, support the individual and get to know the story behind the artworks. For buyers finding new and unique art that isn’t mass produced can be equally difficult and talented artists remain undiscovered.

This made me think of how to create value for both producers and consumers. For a long time I have been interested in people and communication, which made me study market communication. Artists inspire me and a dream of mine is to help them be discovered.

Creative Arena puts the artists in the center, tells their stories and gives the customers an experience that is open 24/7. By offering both unique art prints and originals, buyers can find art in different price ranges and the artists can make more money on the same work. The mission is to create the best solution for both parties and I continuously work to improve the service.

Do you find the idea interesting and want to hear more? Please visit our website and sign up your interest. If you have any questions or ideas send an email to and I will be happy to answer.

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.