April 11, 2018

Boost Tales: Maria Jensen

First time I heard about Boost Turku was when a researcher colleague of mine asked me to apply for the Startup Journey in spring 2014. As cell biologists, we would come up with a business idea that was to “create your personal training program based on your DNA”. We entered the accelerator with that idea, but during the Journey changed it to “creating DNA tests for racehorses” after being sparred by advisors. When summer ended and the Journey was over, we all went back to our research and the business idea was almost forgotten.

After a while I started to miss the candid and energetic atmosphere of Boost Turku, so in spring 2015 I applied for a board position and was elected to the Boost Turku board. During my year as a board member I had some of the most awesome times as well as learned plenty of useful things regarding board activity and budgeting. What I had no idea about at the time was that the fact that I joined the board would very soon change my entire life.

In late November of 2015, three representatives of Boost Turku were sent to the UK to London and Cambridge, in order to be introduced to the local start-up-scene and some key players impacting it. I wasn’t supposed to go, but one of the members fell ill the day before the trip. I was asked to go instead, 12 hours prior to take-off, and without hesitating I booked the flight tickets and found myself in London and later Cambridge talking to some key investors and entrepreneurs. Inspired by the encouraging environment and mind-set I couldn’t help myself when people approached me and asked who I was. My answer was: “I’m Maria from Boost Turku. I’m a cell biologist and I have a business idea” and I presented the idea of creating DNA tests for racehorses. This quickly led to me being invited back to the UK, where I found myself talking to world-famous breeders at massive racehorse sales. I quickly realised that the business idea has great potential and decided to dedicate myself to it.

During the following year, I spent my savings on travelling to the UK and Ireland, visiting stud farms, trainers and equine hospitals in order to map the needs of genetic tests in the industry. The year that followed (2017) I founded the company Aavagen Oy, set up our own lab, launched our first product and closed the first financing round. Today I find myself surrounded by the most awesome team members, looking forward to our first year of growth! My story proves that anything is possible, and if you have an opportunity that comes your way, I recommend you to grab it! BOOST!

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.