May 19, 2018

Boost Tales: Eero Mäkelä

I remember always looking up to Boost when I was still studying. Thinking that it’s one of those places where people with a strong drive and the smarts to go with it, go to join forces to create something cool together. I was partly right and partly wrong. When joining the Boost board I realized it’s a place where community comes first. A common unity. A sense of togetherness, no matter what your background is, with a goal to better one self with the help of others.

I had already finished my studies and founded my sole entrepreneurship when I joined the Boost board. Coming to Boost always felt like coming home and as an sole entrepreneur it was definitely something I needed. With the Boost board family and the surrounding community greeting you with smiles and a laid-back attitude swirling around the Boost premises, it had a positive affect to my working morale and taught me a lot. Like how to be more tolerant and more empathetic. Or to stay your ground if you think your idea is good. But most importantly to enjoy everything you do and have fun while doing it. That’s what Boost is about!

Currently working as a Brand Director at Vaadin and having my own company (or rather companies) on the side, I can say that having been on the Boost Board made me partly what I am today. It gave me the positive entrepreneurship spirit, it made me strive to go for what I want and it made me believe. Believe that you can be whatever and achieve anything you want. Especially if you find people who are willing to go in the same direction with you.

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.