December 9, 2020

2020 outcomes

As we all know this year has brought a lot of challenges to the organizations, and we have tried our best to stay positive and adapt to the new way of organizing our activies.

We always enjoyed having an open minded culture at Boost, and it definitely came in hand in March, when we had to decide what to do with our Startup Marathon hackathon. It was initially planned as a physical event, but a week before the event, it was decided to take it fully online. We didn’t want to cancel it and leave our participants stuck at home bored. It was challenging to do our first online event, but we managed to pull it off and we learned a lot from it.

Later during the summer, it was the time for our biggest event of the year - Startup Journey Accelerator. For the safety reasons, it was mostly done online for the 1st time ever as well. And we are proud to say, that it was one of the best Journey’s we’ve ever had! The online environment brought such benefits, as the ability to have coaches from all other the world, and also to have 10 mentors present at the same time! And it was so amazing that in the upcoming years, when we will be able to organize physical events, we are still planning to keep some of the workshops and mentoring sessions online.

In total, this year we’ve had:





Summing this year up, we were able to execute the majority of our plans. 2020 has opened our eyes to the “new way” of organizing events, which we can use in the coming years. But of course, the inability to meet with our community face-to-face was something that we missed the most this year!

We are hoping that 2020 has brought you some good lessons and warm memories! And hopefully we will get together soon enough to properly catch up. Happy Holidays, Boosters ❤️

P.S. A couple of our warm memories:

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photo_2020-12-09_17-49-50 (4).jpg

This blog was written by:

Boost Turku

This blog has been done by the collaboration of many Boost members or the author is currently unknown.