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Startup Journey Accelerator 2021- Demo Day Judges

Demo Day, the highlight of our Startup Journey Accelerator 2021, is coming in a couple of days, and we now proudly introduce to you our Judges.

Unlike in some other Accelerators, our Demo Day Judges are also our Head Coaches. What do our Head Coaches do? They did not focus on a certain training area but provided broad help and coaching. They had 1on1s with our team bi-weekly to monitor the overall progress of our startups - they checked on current work tasks and results, answered all kinds of questions, suggested solutions and gave feedback. Therefore, on Demo Day, they are the Judges who already have knowledge and understanding about our teams’ business ideas and development process. The decision they are going to make reflects insightful assessment and thorough thinking. Just as we have 2 separate Tracks with separate training curriculum, our Head Coaches/Demo Day Judges are different for Business Track and Game Track. This is to ensure fairness to all teams, as they will be judged by professionals working in their specific business areas.

Don’t forget to join in our Demo Day’s livestream (24th August 04.00-07.00pm), sign up here Demo Day